Okay so I'm home and alone. I need to get some energy out and I should be hitting the gym but it's too hot to go anywhere. 114 today--yuck. I don't do the blog much anymore but maybe this will be a creative way to keep me busy. Work is DEAD and no wonder. Why would anyone want to come to the desert when it is 114?? I will survive the heat and just need to keep busy. TV is boring me and I should finish my book but I don't think I can sit still. The kitten would love to play with me as she jumps in her kitty condo aka. two left over moving boxes but she will have to wait until later to play. A friend suggested I get another kitten to play with with but I will pass to that recommendation. I don't want to be the crazy cat lady.
I keep getting this feeling that I need to get into comedy. I know I could give Chelsea Handler a run for her money. She is getting sloppy and I know I have way funnier stories than her. Now if I just had a talented sister who would edit my work and help me on my book. Oh wait I do.. she passed on the idea. All I can say is that I will not change names to protect people. It's just funner that way.
My early stories of childhood, sibling rivarly, having an older sister who was so smart she could french braid her own hair. That was the lead in from my dad to introduce us kids. I think I just got a this is Lisa..she taught the dog to stay in his dog house by putting up and laundry basket to block him from geting out. This was before the "dog whisperer" existed. The whole NO dating in High School. Me awaiting to get my first kiss from a guy when my friend piped up and said "you want to kiss Lisa?" Getting set up with a boy who had a slight case of Down syndrome.
Going out with a set up type situation where the guy asked me if he could buy me breakfast the next morning and me thinking wow he was going to come to my house, meet my parents and take me to breakfast. Going to the grocery store for my mother to have "customer Lisa King please come to customer service" over the PA while I see my High School love crush there with his mom.
Or another favorite is when I had my friend set me up with her brother for a phone call date (he lived North I lived South) And he fell asleep on the phone. It got really silent on the other end and then the snoring began. I think my friend teased me about that for a month.
Ya I think I could write a good book and have great material for some stand-up. Maybe they have stand-up for dummies?