Summer is over. I had a good visit to Utah to see the family and visit with friends. It was strange seeing all the things in Utah that I miss living in California. The green mountains and all the F-16's flying over the house. I had fun playing with Adi and Kohen. They are getting so big and cute. Adi had a little sleep over at Grandma's house and it was fun to get all the little japanese toys out to play with. It was nice to visit with Grandma King in Kaysville. I feel bad I missed her party but I did get to see her on her 95th birthday. I got a chance to see an old neighbor that lived across the street and visit with her family. Dyan May was a year older than me but we were pretty food friends. We chatted non-stop that night and I'm thankful to her kids and husband for letting us catch up. We had lots to gossip about of who married who and who had passed away at such a young age.
I then got to visit with my cousin Melissa in Lehi and see her kids for the first time--which I feel bad about because her oldest is 6 so that tells you it has been awhile since I saw her.
A great visit but I was glad to get home. I hate leaving Mya for too long even though I had someone looking in on her and she doesn't even like me.
Then on Wednesday the 2nd I got to go to Disneyland with Jeff and Juline and the kids and Mom. I have been once but it was kinda a fluke and we were basically there for dinner and rode on one ride. So this trip I got to experience the whole park. I loved Space Mountain and riding the tea cups with Jeff as we spun around like crazy!! It was super hot and muggy--due to the monsoon's but there were no lines and it wasn't that crowded. Juline and Jeff said it was the best trip ever. It was so fun to see little Adi meet all the princesses and to hear her say her name was "Princess Adi". Oh and lets not forget the little ladies man Kohen. He LOVED the princesses. Such the little ham with all the pictures. While we were waiting for the fireworks show there was a little girl that saw Kohen and was putting on a little show for him to get his attention. She even crouched down like she was "dropping it like it's hot" I guess you had to be there to see it. I had a great time with them and I'm glad I went. Thanks Mom & Dad for the B-day present. I wish that Jenn and Dad could have come---maybe next time. Favorite parts of Disneyland---The monte Cristo sandwich, The tour guide on the safari ride--he cracked me up saying that the zebra was just taking a nap while the lions were protecting it. Adi saying that she wasn't scared during "It's a small world" Being the last one to get to meet Miney Mouse in line. Drinking that yummy cherry lemonade when it was so freaking hot and I felt like I might die--or my mother might have a heat stroke. Great Trip--I need to go more often!!! Oh sorry there aren't any pictures. I never bring my camera--so check out Jeff's blog