Monday, August 10, 2009

New Favorite Book

So i have decided that I get really passionate about stuff and tell everyone I know about it. I'm thinking I would be really good in PR because of this but Jenn says I would need a degree--so I'll pass on that. But in the meantime I am so passionate about the book "Why Men Love Bitches" by Sherry Argov. She also wrote "Why Men Marry Bitches" Now please don't get offended by the title. It's not telling you to be mean or cruel in any way shape or form. Just teaches you how to NOT be a doormat. When I read "he's just not that into you" I thought I would never make a mistake in the men department and after reading these books I realized I was making ALL the mistakes. I suggest every woman--married or single to read these books. It gives a great insight to that male perspective. I am learning so much and boy do I get lost of questions when I read them in public with the title displayed-- Check them


I went to Girls Camp for a day and half and still had a sore throat although I was on Anti-biotics. I came home and suffered a day more then called the Dr. to see what the crap?? I went in on Friday and got another medication and called in sick to work and one of the girls there confirmed that she had strep and it was going around. I will feel bad if I spred any germs--although I doubt it because I was on a form of medicine. Z pack to the rescue I guess.
So I know everyone knows the scene in the movie The Matrixx where the girl needs to learn how to fly a helicopter and they install a memory program into her and she miraclously knows how to fly the machine. I wish this was possible. I would learn so many things--I'd really love to know everything a Dr. knows, a pharmisist, a vet and a mechanic. So some may think "Go back to school and learn this stuff" or as my Dad would proably say "read a book." But I would rather have the knowledge just planted in my brain. Oh that and I would love to be able to play the piano perfectly--with no lessons. I had a great teacher and she was right saying I would regret later quitting lessons. But the hard work just isn't for me!!! And school--I hate school. I hope my future kids like it because I will totally be on their side if they want a day or two off.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


On Thursday I started having a scratchy throat so I doped up on the Aiborne and the Echinacea. But as the days progressed It didn't go away and knowing that I am headed to girls camp on tuesday I would hate to be sick up on the mountain. I headed to the doctor Sunday morning and instead of hearing STREP THROAT or SINUS infection I was diagnoised with TONCILITIS?? And it does feel like I am swallowing a toncil. So where does one contract this when one isn't working and has mostly stayed at home all week?? Oh yes I remember--I touched a kid, twice. It was my friends kid and I doubt the child was ill but I have theory's about me and kids. My theory is they get me sick!!!!!
But Meds should kick in and I should be good to go to camp on Tuesday. Thank goodness I have lots of popcicles in the freezer!!!
I remember when we were little the three of us kids were always getting strep throat. There was always a bottle of pink anti-biotics in the fridge or when you got older you could opt for the pill form or if you didn't want the hassel and were feeling brave you would go for the Anti-biotic shot which hurt like hell and you Ass would be in pain for 24 hours. My Dad would always blame it on the dishwasher thinking it wasn't getting the dishes clean enough and thought we should clean them by hand. But the whole time it was my little bratty brother Jeffrey speading his germs to us. When he finally got his toncils out he was proably in the 2nd grade we never got strep again. I did feel for the little guy---He was on bed rest and was getting lots of fluids and popscicles and unfortunatly it was when the soda "SLICE" came out and my mom gave him some and it burned his poor little throat. I remember him screaming.