Sunday, November 2, 2008


This upcoming Tuesday is going to be life changing for everyone. I know that I am planning on voting and still don't know what canidate is the better one to choose but I know that my vote counts and that I need to make a decision one way or the other. It reminds me of being back in Jr. High when students ran for student counsel and made promises that they would make lunch breaks longer and that they would serve better food at the cafeteria knowing that there was no way that they could make thoes changes. I think that the race to the white house is the same. Once whoever gets there will realize that they can't make the changes they promised and just try to make the best of a bad situation. I know that I learned this lesson when I became a manager at a spa and realized what my past bosses had gone through. And that it is harder than you think to manage and make big desisions that will work once put into the position. But I do know that we need a change for the nation and I'm glad that the Bush administration is almost over. So get out there and VOTE!!!!

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